College Board 2021 MCQ Review

I scored a 61/70

Question 9

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My corrections/reflections: Answer C is incorrect because all digital data is represented as a sequence of bits. While you can change the audio data this way of changing it may not be applicable for all options. Answer B is correct because the audio signal is in fact stored in bits based on the measurements of the signal.

Question 18

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My corrections/reflections: Option D is incorrect because if devices C and F fail, D can still communicate with H through B, then E or G. Answer C is correct because If devices B and F fail, then devices E, G, and H will not be able to communicate A, C, D, and I. Therefore, device A will be unable to reach device G.

Question 33

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My corrections/reflections: Option C is inncorect because algorithm is proportional to n^2 which is considered a reasonable amount. Algorithm 2 is still proportional to n^2 so its still a reasonable amount of time. This is a heuristic approach since it uses an approx solution to figure out that algorithm 1 doesnt run in reasonable time.

Question 50

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My corrections/reflections: I picked option B which is incorrect because only one key is used for symmetric encryption so it should be kept secret to prevent hacking. Option A is correct since symmetric encryption does only use one key and since the key is valuable for accessing a lot of info it should be kept secret.

Question 55

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My corrections/reflections: I selected option A, but it is not correct the output of the code segment is simply the original list so it does not transform it. Option C is correct signs it removes the last variable of the list then reassigns it to the first element of the list.

Question 57

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My correction/reflection: I selected option D, but this option is incorrect since running p on one processor takes 30 sec and runnning the rest on another takes 45. Therefore this one will take 45 seconds instead of 40. Option a is correct since running p and q together and R and S together will result in the solution taking 40 seconds which is what is needed.

Question 59

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My correction/reflection: I selected option B, option B is wrong because the information would be valuable for recommending routes, but Adrianna would directly input this info. Option C is correct because she would need other users to send their locations taken from others devices not Adriannas.

Question 64

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My correction/reflection: I selected Line 8 and 3 and Line 3 was incorrect. It was incorrect because This line should not be removed. The variable is given the value adult by default and then assigned the value “senior citizen” or “minor” based on what happens. Line 10 should be removed since this code could results in adult being assigned even if it was supposed to be senior citizen.

Question 67

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My correction/reflection: I selected option c and d one of which being C was incorrect. C was incorrect because it makes orange a chance of 0.25 when in actuality it is .375. Also, it gives purple a 0.5 chance when it was actually also 0.375. Option A is correct because it assings a 1/4 chance to spin blue which is correct then it gives a 3/4 chance to get either orange or purple. If the orange and purple have the same chance of being spun then they each have a 3/8 chance which is correct.


Overall, this test went very well. I can feel myself learning more and more as my scores increase, need to look answers up decreases, and my time per question decreases. I included photos of the lessons for when I missed a question and based on what I saw there was no patterns in terms of lessons where I missed a significant amount of questions. I will definitely be looking over these mcqs before the ap test in order to see how quick I am and how accurate. However, I did notice that questions where I am asked to remove a line of code are say what the output to the code is caused me extra trouble so for my future studying I will place a little emphasis on those kind of questions.