Final Project Plans

The idea I hava for the final plan is like an online bookstore or an online library where the user can save books and filter for books based on their qualities like genre, length, and cost.


  • Loops (algorithmic) For example the user would be able to search for books based on their genre like fiction. Also, another way would be to allow the user to apply a range for the cost of the book aswell as the length of the book in pages.
  • Sorting / Searching (Algorithmic) An example of how this project could use sorting is mostly centered on the length and cost of the book. The lenghth and cost of the book could be sorted from greatest to least. Also, the searching could be implemented when searching for specific book titles.
  • Big (O) I had to look this up Using Big O notation, Quicksort has an average time complexity of O(n log n), making it efficient for sorting books by price or publication date, but its worst-case time complexity is O(n^2). For searching books by title or author using linear search, the time complexity is O(n), as it requires checking each element sequentially.
  • 2D Iteration I plan on using 2D iteration for displaying the books in a grid layout either when the books have been filtered or for the users collection of books.
  • Team work plans I plan on working very efficently with Ashwin that way we can finish this project on time and possibly early. As for deployment, I may need to ask Torin for some help, but me and Ashwin should be able to do it in time.